秦皇岛全通玻璃钢机械有限公司坐落于素有“京津后花园”之美誉的秦皇岛,现已形成集研发、生产、销售、安装、服务于一体的综合性企业。玻璃钢机械、玻璃钢设备、玻璃钢瓦设备、玻璃钢瓦生产线、玻璃钢瓦、采光瓦生产线、采光瓦设备、采光瓦、凯斯板、凯斯板生产线、FRP板材生产设备、FRP设备玻璃钢设备是秦皇岛全通玻璃钢机械有限公司的主营产品。秦皇岛全通玻璃钢机械有限公司以雄厚的实力、合理的价格、优良的服务与多家企业建立了长期的合作关系。秦皇岛全通玻璃钢机械有限公司热诚欢迎各界前来参观、考察、洽谈业务。Quantong Fiber Reinforced Plastic Machinery Co.,Ltd located in known as "the back garden of Jinjin" the reputation of Qinhuangdao, now it has formed a research and development, production, sale, installation and service of integrated enterprise. Company adheres to the development of pragmatic strategies. Customer demand is our chase, its advocacy of "social responsibility" as the core.To "strict, practical, pioneering and innovative" as the main purpose of the connotation of the enterprise,Its commitment to socially responsible construction workforce. The company has always attached importance to the quality of products and services continuously improve. The concept of providing customers with modern machinery and equipment supply chain integration services. At the same time, the use of advanced design, high technology, information systems and enterprise management model, Sophisticated equipment to provide customers with service and satisfaction.
公司名称: |
秦皇岛全通玻璃钢机械有限公司 |
公司类型: |
企业单位 () |
所 在 地: |
河北/秦皇岛市 |
公司规模: |
注册资本: |
10万人民币 |
注册年份: |
2007 |
资料认证: |
经营范围: |
建材生产加工机械 行业专用设备加工 其他行业专用设备 特种建材 钢结构、膜结构 玻璃机械 |
销售的产品: |
建材生产加工机械 行业专用设备加工 其他行业专用设备 特种建材 钢结构、膜结构 玻璃机械 |
主营行业: |